Professional painters are fast, efficient, and have mastered techniques that produce top-notch results while making it all look easy. Each painter has slightly different methods and preferences, but the pros all know the trade secrets, including these 13 tips.


You have to start with a perfectly smooth surface to end up with perfectly painted walls or woodwork. One pro says that sander would be a more fitting job title than painter since he spends so much time pushing sandpaper. Sanding levels outs spackle or joint-compound patches and flattens ridges around nail holes. Sanding also removes burrs and rough spots in your trim.

Sand the walls from the baseboard to the ceiling with fine grit sanding paper on a sanding…

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I personally love my NEST products!

Certain energy providers provide NEST hardware simply for switching over to their company! Be sure to first negotiate a better rate than you currently have. You can even qualify for a $100 rebate from Energy Efficiency Alberta.


Getting a rebate through the Online Rebates program is easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Take a look at the qualified products list and decide on the item or items you’d like to buy.
  2. Buy the qualified items from one of these local retailers or online.
  3. Take a picture of or scan your receipt. You’ll need to upload it to our web site to receive a rebate.
  4. Go to the Online Rebates page and fill out the rebate form.
  5. Follow the prompts to upload the…

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By Penelope Graham

The new year is upon us, and with it, a whole new real estate reality. Tougher federal mortgage regulations took full effect on Jan. 1, slashing affordability for new borrowers and contributing to slower selling conditions than the record-breaking activity experienced throughout 2017 in Canada’s largest markets.

Dubbed Guideline B-20, this latest parcel of policy changes is also anticipated to be the most impactful, as all new mortgage applicants must undergo a stress test regardless of their down payment size. Under the rules, a buyer paying more than 20 per cent down on their home purchase must prove they can carry their monthly payments at either their contract rate plus two per cent, or at the Bank of Canada’s benchmark…

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