Red Deer, Innisfail, Sylvan Lake, Blackfalds, Penhold & Lacombe - YEAR IN REVIEW

Alberta has endured a challenging year overall, and as you’ll notice each area in Central Alberta handled the changing market differently.  Below you will find some helpful real estate market information for Red Deer, Innisfail, Sylvan Lake, Blackfalds, Penhold and Lacombe.

While some of the annual data reflects the market in a negative manner.  It is important to note that some areas, such as Red Deer, started experiencing turnaround/recovery trends in the final quarter of 2016.

If you have any questions about how the market may influence your home, your real estate plans, or other market areas, please feel free to contact me.

Thinking of a move this year?  I…

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I hope the New Year is off to a great start!

Did you know you can claim $5,000 for the purchase of a qualifying home in 2016? This is true if both of the following apply:

  • You or your spouse or common-law partner acquired a qualifying home; and
  • You did not live in another home owned by you or your spouse or common-law partner in the year of acquisition or in any of the four preceding years (first-time home buyer).

If this applies to you, be sure to include this amount when you file your taxes. For more information, please visit the following link:

Have a great day!

If you'd like to browse homes for sale in the Red Deer & surrounding area click here.

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